Friday, May 1, 2009

Core Testing

We have been involved in the annual State Core tests this week.  This is the first year that all of our classes (3rd - 6th) are taking these tests online.  It has been an interesting experience.  When you rely on computers always working the way they should, you are usually quite disappointed.  There are always glitches on one kind or another.  

My class has finished the Science test sessions and all of the Language Arts sessions, except for one student who had to leave town for a few days.  We only have math left to test next week.

Miss Snapp is in charge of the technology portion of all students and teachers testing online and is kept so busy keeping things running as smoothly as possible.  She will be glad when everyone scores are submitted.

I am so proud of my students.  They seem to be taking the situation very seriously and seem to be trying their hardest and doing their best.  Thanks class!

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