Thursday, December 4, 2008

Biography file folders

We have finished part of the Biography File Folder Book Reports at school. We finshed the cover, started the bibliography, and wrote the "Important Thing" Poem.

I have taken away the timeline portion of the assignment.  The students have started a bibliography instead.

The final portion needs to be finished at home. This section is the report part: telling what you learned about your person as you read your biography. You need to answer these questions in that section:
• Where was this person born? In what year?
• Where did this person grow up?
• What does/did this person do for a living?
• Why is this person famous? What did/does this person do to become famous?
• How has this person made an impact on others' lives?
• Quotes and interesting information about the person

Write your final copy in your best printing or cursive about your famous person.
The report folder is due back completed no later than December 17th.

After Christmas we will have an oral report on your person! Sign ups will come soon.

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