Veteran's Day 2008
Wow! What a special day today was for us here at school. We had the dedication program for the Upper Country Veteran's Memorial. This memorial sits right in the front of the school next to the main road.
We had many special speakers during the ceremony/program. Each one did an excellent job! The memorial even received a flag that has flown over the US Capitol. That flag is the one you see in the picture below!
The Elementary school students sang a couple of songs as part of the program. Miss Snapp's favorite is the Armed Forces medley. During the medley each divisions' flag was raised there at the monument and the local soldiers/veterans stood to be recognized! This is the part that always makes Miss Snapp cry! It is so awesome to see these men and women who have fought for our country!
As part of our program, we had a fly-by of an Apache and a Black Hawk helicopter from the Idaho National Guard out of Boise,
Idaho. Tammi Mitchell, a former Altamont resident, is in the guard and was able to arrange this special privilege for her hometown! They landed on our football field and spend the day with us! The students loved eating lunch with them, getting
their autographs, and examining the helicopters.
This was a special day that we will always remember. It was sad to see the helicopters have to take off and go home, but we are so glad they came to share this day with us!
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